When you’re moving with your home’s appliances, preparing them is a little more complicated than just unplugging them. Before you have them packed up, use these tips from household movers in Barrie to ensure that they’re ready to move.
How Household Movers In Barrie Want You To Prepare Your Refrigerator
If you’re moving your refrigerator, it’s important that you clean it out and unplug it about 48 hours before the movers arrive. This will give the fridge plenty of time to cool down and will allow the freezer portion to defrost entirely. Don’t forget to clean it out and pack up the shelves so they don’t become damaged during the move.
How Household Movers In Barrie Want You To Prepare Your Washing Machine
Your washing machine also needs special attention before you move. Household movers in Barrie are working on a short time frame to get your belongings from your old house to your new one, so you should take care to drain the hose before they arrive. Pack up the hose and other moveable parts and place them in an easily accessible place so they can be reassembled quickly when you arrive at your new home.
How Household Movers In Barrie Want You To Prepare Your Oven
Ovens will sometimes stay with a home, but if you’re taking yours, make sure that it’s disconnected properly. If you have a gas oven, you’ll need to shut off the gas before you disconnect the gas line. A gas leak can be quite dangerous so if you’re not sure how to do this, you may want to call a professional to ensure it’s done correctly.
Household movers in Barrie can make your move go smoothly, whether you’re moving across town or across the country. To learn more about Simcoe Moving, please call 877-810-1047 or visit our website.