3 Summer Moving Tips That Reduce Guesswork And Stress

Summer is the perfect time to move. The weather conditions are ideal for transferring boxes and furniture from your home into a moving truck. Make sure to prepare and follow these few tips to ensure your move is smooth and easy.

Tips For A Summertime Move

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of a move and forget everyday, practical wisdom. Here are a few tips to help streamline your summer move and help you to stay healthy in the process.

  1. Stay Hydrated. Keep hydrated by drinking a lot of water and non-carbonated drinks. In hot weather, it’s easy to become dehydrated when you are active. Even if you’re out directing movers and not lifting boxes, you’re going to be more active than normal, and you’ll be exposed to more sun than normal. You’ll need to hydrate yourself more than you normally do, too. If you keep a water bottle on hand and stop frequently to take sips, you’ll prevent dehydration.
  2. Watch The Weather. Moving in the summer is ideal, because the weather is clear and dry, most of the time. However, things can change quickly and it’s best to be prepared. Keep an eye on the weather reports as you get closer to your move and make sure you have a few items on hand in case you have to deal with wind or rain. Having a few tarps, some rope and a few bungee cords on hand to protect your boxes can help prevent a catastrophe.
  3. Avoid The Highest Heat Of The Day. In summer months, it’s always hotter at noontime than in the mornings and evenings. Make sure to schedule your move in the morning, late afternoon or evening and avoid moving at noontime.

Preparations For A Summer Move

If you plan ahead and follow these summer moving tips, then your move should be a breeze. Taking a little time to gather some materials and prepare can make a big difference on your moving day.

For more summer moving tips or answers to questions about a summertime move, Simcoe Moving consultants are available to help. Call 1-877-810-1047 today, for information that will help with your summer move.